White Cardigan for Toddler

Let me yet continue on my last post, to add one more thing on the theme of summer. And weddings. And last minute sewing. Because THIS was really something sewn last minute.


So you have seen the dress I made for Liv to wear on my cousin’s wedding?

If you have, you know, it is indeed very much made for summer. A light dress, with a lace-y top. After all, the wedding was taking place in summer and all the days before were very hot.


Except when we woke up on the morning of the wedding. It was still hot, but really thick, grey clouds came up. And it looked like it might not be that hot that day after all. Like it might rain, with a light wind in the air. It might still clear away during the day and be hot. But it also might not.


I am not a person who has to have everything stylish and beautifully matching with each other. I mean, of course, I like it (and most of all the designer part in me) when something looks good, and stylish and pretty… But I am also phlegmatic enough not to care too much about it, especially when it comes to kids. I mean, they look cute in anything really anyway, right?


But then again, we were going to a wedding. And the only appropriately sweater-something I had for Liv at that time was her Hippu sweater. Not exactly something to go very well over a mint dress. Not to mention, if she had to wear it all the time in the end, she might as well have worn jeans with it and I might not have made the effort of making a dress that no one would see in the end. Sooo…


Still having a few hours in the morning before the wedding, I whipped out an off-white jersey I had in my stash, took out the pattern of the before mentioned Hippu sweater, made a few quick alterations as I went… And made a little cardigan for Liv.


And if anyone wonders, the weather was changing the whole day, but basically she wore the cardigan for most of the day in the end, so I was glad I did it.


And the looks my husband threw at me telling me I was crazy to sew something else so last minute before the wedding were worth it, ha.

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