Red Pencil Skirt Pattern HACK

I have quite fallen in love with Delia’s Pencil Skirt Pattern from Delia Creates.


Especially the knit version of it… well, since I didn’t do the pleated version yet. It’s on my long-term to-do list, only it’s not quite the best time to do a pleated pencil skirt when you’re pregnant and your figure is going to change a lot in the next year or more. So that’ll have to wait a bit.


Anyway. The knit pencil skirt is a dream to do. It’s super easy, fast done, looks great, feels great, is comfortable… what else is there to say?


I have done a “simple” version, when I was making an outfit for myself to my cousin’s wedding. That turned out great. So I had to make another one. Except I played around with the pattern a little bit and made my own little hack.

Basically I took the pattern and cut it into smaller panels, only to sew them back together. That’s all there is to it, really.


I also added some pockets. Though it might not seem as the best idea with a narrow pencil skirt, I just like to have pockets. Even though, I don’t put much in them. But I don’t wear a watch, so I like to have a place to have my phone around me, most of all when I’m not at home. Also it’s nice to have a place to put a tissue or a headband for Liv, to have them around… That’s why.


I had plans of adding some closure to the pockets to keep them from standing off a bit at the hips. Those plans came right after I made the skirt and tried it on. It’s been a while since and I never got to do them… not sure I ever will. Maybe with the next one.

I used a deep red jersey for this skirt. It’s similar to the off-white one I used for the skirt I wore to the wedding, except it’s a bit thinner. Still thick enough though to make a good skirt fabric. I also bought it at the same time as I bought the off-white jersey. It was just a thing in the moment, and what a good moment that was!


Yep. What else is there to say… I love those skirts. I’m sure there are gonna be more, whether in the original pattern or hacked ones.

So I’ll just add this awesome GIF my sis made. Ouuiiiii!


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