Fairy Snow Queen

Did I just yesterday write about meeting the Spring Fairy? Well, guess what, the Snow Queen (Fairy, Princess, Elf or what it was) thought she would play an April’s joke on all of us, and came swirling in with a big snow blizzard.

Lucky me, I got to get a few snapshots of her!

Seriously, though. In the evening, suddenly it started to snow like mad. And this time (as opposed to the last few days), it also didn’t melt right away. It wouldn’t be me, if I didn’t get the super crazy idea, to go and have a quick photo shoot of Liv in her white dress that I made (and have not yet photo-documented). And after a while of persuading, three shirts added under the dress for warmth and only half an hour before we should get ready for sleep, we ran outside for about 15 minutes to take a few photos :-D

No time to repair crowns, get anything more ready, or look for a “perfect” place except just right outside where we live. Even while we were getting dressed real quick, it stopped snowing, but we got a few photos that work anyway. Though Liv was moving a lot, and I had no time to play around too much how to get photos without the ugly high appartement buildings around us, it’s not too bad. I’m quite happy what we got here, hah.

And if anybody wonders, yes, those are old IKEA curtain fabrics, upcycled into a fairytale/elven dress. With an additional removable train.

Liv actually pretty much liked it in the end, though she probably thought I got quite mad wanting to go run around in such a weather. It was not even that cold in the end.

And now, quickly, back into the warmth! (And please, bring the Spring back!)

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